A Visit From Saint Nicholas
The famous poem "A Vist From Saint Nicholas" otherwise known as "Twas' the Night Before Christmas" was written by Clement C. Moore in 1822 for his children and then appearing in the Troy Sentinal in 1823 for the first time.
This poem has become a Christmas tradition in many homes around the world.  Prior to this poem, Santa Clause was depicted in many different ways, such as Father Time, the Catholic Cardinal, and a plump Santa among others. These verses are some of the most defining pieces of history which have solidified our modern image of Santa Claus. 
Now you can have these verses hanging on your tree.  Hampshire Pewter is creating a two sideded ornament for each stanza and will release them one per year.
2021 was the first Stanza - "Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse." (front) "The stockings were hung by the chimney with care." (back). Start your collection today.