Alton Bay, NH - Water Bandstand Ornament

Alton Bay, NH - Water Bandstand Ornament

Alton commissioned Hampshire Pewter to create a custom ornament featuring the water bandstand, one of the few remaining bandstands on inland waters in the entire country. In 1928, Alton Racing Association, a group of boating enthusiasts, had the idea to create a bandstand in the middle of the water.
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Dover, New Hampshire - City Hall Ornament

Dover, New Hampshire - City Hall Ornament

Dover, New Hampshire: Celebrating 400 Years of History and Heritage

Dover, New Hampshire, a charming city nestled on the banks of the Cocheco River is celebrating its 400th anniversary, and what better way to honor the occasion than with a beautifully crafter pewter Christmas Ornament. Hampshire Pewter has captured the essence of Dover’s rich heritage by featuring the iconic City Hall on this special ornament. Continue reading to learn about the story of Dover’s four centuries, exploring its past, present and the ongoing celebration commemorating their 400th anniversary.

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